Camille Benitah - Yoga



J’enseigne le yoga et la méditation comme des processus d’exploration et de reconnexion à soi, comme des outils de guérison et de transformation pour le corps, le coeur et le mental.

J’ai 500 heures de formation — 200 heures avec Tanya Kaps à The Yoga Barn à Bali, en Hatha Yoga et la Science de la Transformation + 300 heures avec Carlos Tao et James Mattingley à Radiantly Alive à Bali, en Vinyasa Yoga et Fluidité du Mouvement.

J’enseigne un flow lent et profond, je guide des méditations douces et hypnotiques, qui invitent à se libérer de la validation extérieure et retrouver le chemin de son intérieur.


cours en studio

Hatha Flow
Mardi · 11:00-12:00 · Atelier Marais Charlot
Mardi · 20:00-21:00 · Qee 17ème
Mercredi · 18:30-20:00 · Yoga Village Capucines
Vendredi · 10:30-11:45 · Rasa
Vendredi · 13:00-14:00 · Qee 9ème
Samedi · 10:30-11:45 · Atelier Marais République
Samedi · 12:30-13:30 · Qee 9ème

Yin Yoga
Mardi · 17:00-18:00 · Yoga Village Batignolles
Dimanche · 17:00-18:00 · Yoga Village Batignolles
Dimanche · 18:45-19:45 · Ground to Grow


cours en vidéo

Sur la plateforme Gaia
Méditation 15 minutes - Augmenter son niveau vibratoire
Méditation 10 minutes - Accepter ce qui est
Méditation 10 minutes - Se rappeler qui on est
Méditation 10 minutes - Poser son intention


cours privés

À domicile, en studio ou en entreprise. Cours particuliers ou en petit groupe. Prix sur demande.


groupe whatsapp

Je crois que la meilleure façon de changer le monde est de trouver le courage d’être soi-même.

Seulement, parfois en chemin, nous oublions comment faire, comment nous libérer de nos blocages physiques et mentaux, comment nous reconnecter à la source infinie de possibilités et d’amour qui est déjà à l’intérieur de nous.

J’ai créé un groupe WhatsApp dans lequel je partage chaque semaine une petite pratique à faire à la maison, le planning, les ateliers, quelques inspirations autour du yoga et de l’hypnose pour retrouver ensemble le chemin vers nous-mêmes… et au-delà 🚀✨.



“Camille is an outstanding teacher, her practice is dynamic and challenging while also deeply connected to the emotional and spiritual aspects of Yoga. She connects with students in a personal and caring way and helped me cultivate a better understanding of how to listen and work correctly with my body. She is extremely professional and precise in her instruction. Yoga with Camille is the best gift I have given myself in a long time and I would highly recommend her classes to anyone and everyone seeking to move and grow. Since she has such a deep understanding of people and ability for listening, caring and connecting I would recommend her as a therapist as well and hope to get the opportunity to experience her in that way.”
- Noa

“It took me a few years and I still can’t find the right words to describe your contribution to my life, every time I tried to write I felt tears in my throat. My beautiful teacher Camille, you are my most meaningful yoga teacher… I’m not scared anymore, I feel capable. Your voice lives inside me every day… every little word you said, with your beautiful french accent. I can now set my intention clearly… I trust you.”
- Jordana

“I’ve practiced with Camille for almost 2 years. I’ve come to one of her classes after a long time traveling and practicing with different teachers from all around the world and being a teacher by myself also. When I met her I knew immediately I had found my teacher and went to every class she had. Her ability to teach is unbelievable in my eyes. I came along with few teachers who had the ability to explain how to practice in a way your body understands the instructions and needs only to surrender and follow. She understands the body-mind-spirit connection deeply and it shows in her classes. In the way she moves, thinks, explains, writes, demonstrates. You can feel immediately that she is connected to a greater intelligence and guided also by her heart of gold. Camille gives her students an extraordinary experience of true yoga, through all its limbs and dimensions which leads to a very deep feeling and sensations of connection, which help them to dive deeper to the practice and to discover more of their true self. All of this with facilitating a safe space for exploration no matter what the level of the practitioner. I’m super excited (and also envy) with everyone who will have the privilege to practice with her and deepen their yoga journey through her guidance. She is a true blessing and a present.”
- Merav